Aptitude Reasoning English GK Computer Knowledge Programming Skill Banking Software Testing


Dhoni buys spirit at Rs.60/liter and added some water to it and then sells it at Rs.75 per liter, what is the ratio of spirit to water if his profit in this deal is 37.5 %?

  • 1:10
  • 10:1
  • 11:1
  • 1:11
Answer- B

Let the total cost of the mixture is P
S.P = 75 Rs. With 37.5 % profit 
⟹ 75 = P ×(137.5/100)
⟹ P =600/11
Water = 600/11 – 0 = 600/11 
Spirit = 60 -(600/11)=60/11

⟹ 6: 60 = 1: 10 this is ratio of water to spirit
∴ Ratio of spirit to water will be 10: 1

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