Aptitude Reasoning English GK Computer Knowledge Programming Skill Banking Software Testing



Directions(Q. 6 -10) The Question given below contains two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question? 

(1) If statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient.

(2) If statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient

(3) If each statement alone (either I or II) is sufficient.

(4) If statement I and II together are not sufficient.

(5) If both statement together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

What is the average monthly income of per member of a family?

I. Each male earns Rs.1250 a month and each female earns Rs.1050 a month.

II. Ratio of males to females in the family is 2 : 1.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Answer- C

I. M =1250 and F= 1050

II. M:F = 2:1

From I and II, Average = (2k x 1250 + k x 1050)/3k = (2500+1050)/3 =1183.33

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